Monday, September 12, 2011

Anti-aging Programs ? Eight Primary Factors to Keep in Mind ...

I believe anti-aging ?? multidisciplinary ?n? ?? based ?n individual choices. Anti-aging ?? a lifestyle! Each person chooses h?w t? progress down a ??rt??n path t? health ?n? well being. N?t more th?n ?? a list ?f factors t? consider ?n designing ???r ?wn personal anti-aging program.

Rev Up Y??r Metabolism

Aging ?? accompanied b? a decrease ?n ???r metabolic rate ?n? ?n associated increase ?n ???r ?t??t storage. A? such, ???r body fails t? burn excess ?t??t ?? w? grow grown-up. T? combat th?? anti-aging effect w? need t? control ??r metabolic rate b? increasing daily activities. Th? best way t? ?? th?? ?? t? ?? a 20 minute cardio-vascular fitness program a few days a week t? h??? rev up ???r metabolism. Th? best time t? ?? th?? ?t??t burning workout ?? wh?n ??? wake ?n? before breakfast. Th?? ?? th? perfect time t? workout b?????? even ?? ??? slept, ???r body depleted ??? th? carbohydrates ?n ???r system, ?n? ?n view ?f th? fact th?t ??? h??? ?n empty stomach ???r body ?? forced t? ??? ???r ?t??t stores t? provide energy f?r th? workout.

Keep Y??r Heart Strong

Growing grown-up ???? means a reduction ?n th? ability ?f th? heart t? pump blood through th? circulatory system. In addition, erect up ?n th? arteries ???? contributes t? th?? reduced ability. In view ?f th? fact th?t ???r heart ?? a muscle ?t? function ?n? circulatory capability ??n b? improved b? aerobic exercise. Remember t? always consult ???r doctor wh?n starting ?n? fitness program. B?t, I once heard a doctor ??? th?t ?f th?? ????? ????? exercise ?nt? a pill form, ?t w???? b? th? m??t prescribed pill known t? mankind. A? such, using exercise t? keep th? heart strong ?? ?n vital factor ?n ?n? anti-aging program.

Y??r Brain ?? a Muscle T??!

Anti-aging research h?? shown th?t memories capacity declines ?f th? brain ?? n?t involved ?n mental functions. Mental inactivity causes poor memories function ?r ?n ??m? cases


Filed: Anti Aging
tags: Antiaging, Eight, Factors, fitness, heart, Keep, memory function, mental inactivity, Mind, poor memory, Primary, Programs, rate, Start


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